Corn & Soybean Field Guide

The Corn & Soybean Field Guide is being updated for 2025. The 2025 edition of this pocket-size, in-field reference guide provides detailed and descriptive information for corn and soybean producers. Topics include identifying and managing insect, disease, and weeds; diagnosing herbicide injuries; soil fertility; making planting decisions; and understanding crop growth. This popular guide is a cooperative effort of the Purdue University Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center and the Purdue Pest Management Program. The guides are invaluable tools for farmers, particularly during the growing season, and for anyone who has a need to diagnose and treat problems in the field.
Guides will be available in January 2025 by emailing or by calling the ERSB office at (717) 651-5922.
Limit one per farmer while they last.
Penn State Agronomy Guide
The Penn State Agronomy Guide is designed as a quick reference for information on crop and soil management, including varieties, nutritional requirements, establishment, and harvesting; storing seed and grain; and farm management and budgeting. Recommendations for managing weed, insect, and disease pests in corn, grain sorghum, soybean, small grains, and forages are provided.
This comprehensive guide is revised biennially. The current version was released in February 2023. The print format is currently out of stock and will become available with the next edition in early 2025. The digital format continues to be available for purchase.
Soybean Research & Information Network
The Soybean Research & Information Network is designed for farmers to read about all the checkoff-funded research projects in West Virginia, Florida, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and other states.
- Read summaries and highlights of the latest research
- Discover resources and publications
- Explore topics including agronomics, diseases and pests
Bean Binoculars National Soybean Alerts
The Bean Binoculars interactive map displays soybean production issues from across the country as they arise throughout the growing season. This map is updated regularly by Extension specialists in each state and visualizes the status of various soybean production issues as they occur.
The goal is to document and display soybean production issues from across the country. As issues arise, they will appear on the Bean Binoculars map along with management recommendations and resources.
Take Action
Take Action is a farmer-focused education platform designed to help farmers manage herbicide, fungicide and insect resistance. The goal is to encourage farmers to adopt management practices that lessen the impacts of resistant pests and preserve current and future crop protection technology.